Pressure Reducing Valves (LFX65B-G)

Pressure Reducing Valves (LFX65B-G)

Pressure Reducing Valves (LFX65B-G)

Pressure Reducing Valves (LFX65B-G)

Pressure Reducing Valves (LFX65B-G)
Pressure Reducing Valves (LFX65B-G)

368/24/28 Tan Son Nhi Street, Tan Son Nhi Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City

098 99 88 430


Pressure Reducing Valves (LFX65B-G)

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Type:Pressure Reducing Valves (LFX65B-G)
Class:Valve Products

The Watts LFX65B Pressure Reducing Valves is designed to reduce the static
pressure and dynamic pressure in the pipe network system. It’s generally used
in construction industry, water treatment, etc.
1. Simple structure, light weight;
2. Can maintenance online;
3. Good sealing performance;
4. Long service life, high reliability;
5. Good part interchangeability.

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