Centrifugal Pump CPHM

Centrifugal Pump CPHM

Centrifugal Pump CPHM

Centrifugal Pump CPHM

Centrifugal Pump CPHM
Centrifugal Pump CPHM

368/24/28 Tan Son Nhi Street, Tan Son Nhi Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City

098 99 88 430


Centrifugal Pump CPHM

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Centrifugal Pump CPHM carry a back-pull-out design which enables removing the rotating unit of pump for inspection and repairs without disturbing the pipe connections. The complete range of CPHM water pump is covered by eight driving units thereby reducing inventory and achieving interchangeability of parts. These CPHM water pumps are either gland packed or mechanically sealed.

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