Watts Completes 5,000 Hours of Giving Through Watts Cares

Watts Completes 5,000 Hours of Giving Through Watts Cares

Watts Completes 5,000 Hours of Giving Through Watts Cares

Watts Completes 5,000 Hours of Giving Through Watts Cares

Watts Completes 5,000 Hours of Giving Through Watts Cares
Watts Completes 5,000 Hours of Giving Through Watts Cares

368/24/28 Tan Son Nhi Street, Tan Son Nhi Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City

098 99 88 430

Watts Completes 5,000 Hours of Giving Through Watts Cares

The company's inaugural year of the Watts Cares volunteer program was a resounding success with colleagues from more than 40 sites giving back a total of 5,000 hours to more than 50 different organizations within their communities and beyond.

From food and clothing drives to environmental cleanups and community partnerships, employees gave generously to a variety of different projects.

“These activities are successful because of the dedication and support at the local level. Whether it’s participating in a river cleanup, donating to a food pantry, or mentoring students at a nearby school, I am grateful for the lasting impact our employees are having on our communities.” - CEO Bob Pagano